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- All courses take place on Skype or Zoom, depending on the student’s preference.
- All sessions are 60 minutes long, unless agreed differently.
- Students attend classes on time. (So that we can ensure a good transition for the following classes.)
- Payment:
- All courses/services are billed according to the price set by the price list.
- Students pay for the courses via a bank transfer following the information on an invoice they’ll receive.
- Students make the payment within 7 days of receiving the invoice.
- Each student receives the initial class free of charge.
- In the instance when a student cannot come to a lesson, they can cancel it or ask for it to be rescheduled no later than 24 hours before when the class was supposed to take place. Anything else is considered a late cancellation.
- Late cancellation is treated as an unexcused absence and billed with the price of a full lesson.
- Cases of a sudden illness, or other unpredictable occurrences are handled on case by case basis.
- Thank you for following our terms of service. Good luck with your studies.
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